Gas Detector

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Hard Line Systems

Suitable for use in expansive environments, these hard line systems provide users with additional support in the field through its advanced communication network. Lightweight and easy to work with, these tools use state of the art technology to provide the user with a seamless experience, where conveying quick information is required as quickly as possible.

Offering a wealth of communication base products, we also offer various phones, radios and personal distress monitors. Some of the brands we work for with this range include Savox, Dräger and Entel; to find out more, give us a call on 0845 3300 447 or email our team at [email protected].

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Hard Line Systems

Suitable for use in expansive environments, these hard line systems provide users with additional support in the field through its advanced communication network. Lightweight and easy to work with, these tools use state of the art technology to provide the user with a seamless experience, where conveying quick information is required as quickly as possible.

Offering a wealth of communication base products, we also offer various phones, radios and personal distress monitors. Some of the brands we work for with this range include Savox, Dräger and Entel; to find out more, give us a call on 0845 3300 447 or email our team at [email protected].

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