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Full Duration BA & Control (2 Days)


This course provides a basic level of training designed to equip individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to safely and competently test, don, and wear full duration breathing apparatus.



Full Duration BA & Control (2 Days)

This course provides a basic level of training designed to equip individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to safely and competently test, don, and wear full duration breathing apparatus.

Full Duration BA & Control: Essential Training for Breathing Apparatus Safety

The Full Duration BA & Control course is a focused two-day program designed to provide individuals with the essential knowledge and skills needed to safely use full duration breathing apparatus. Participants learn to select and check charged compressed air cylinders, connect and disconnect them from BA sets, and properly adjust facemasks for an effective seal.

  1. Select a charged compressed air cylinder and check its contents.
  2. Connect/disconnect a cylinder to a BA set.
  3. Adjust, test and connect a facemask.
  4. Name and identify the component parts of a BA set.
  5. Identify, test and operate ancillary equipment.
  6. Perform a general test to the BA set.
  7. Complete log book entries to record tests and maintenance.
  8. Don and wear a BA set.
  9. Perform a pre-entry test.
  10. Clean and maintain a facemask.
  11. Service and prepare a BA set.
  12. Safely store a ba cylinder.
  13. State and define the full duration of BA cylinders for a range of pressures.
  14. State and define the working duration of BA sets.
  15. State the factors that will affect/reduce the working duration.
  16. State and define the safety margin.
  17. Identify the need for effective ba control procedures.

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Product: Full Duration BA & Control (2 Days)