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Tetra Telecoms Standard Leaning Ladder & Pole Kit

Call 02920 759 683 For Best Price


A Leaning Ladder & Pole Kit is used by telecom engineers and other workers who need to access heights regularly. The kit includes a ladder, a pole, and a variety of safety attachments, such as a harness, lifeline, and anchor point. The kit allows workers to safely lean and secure the ladder against a structure while they are working, reducing the risk of falls.

This kit consists of several components, including:

2 Point, Waterproof Body Harness Leaning Ladder Adjustable Cows Tail Inc Small Twist Lock Karabiners Leaning Ladder Reusable Anchor Bolt Leaning Ladder Strap Leaning Ladder Yolk Leaning Ladder Kernmantle Rope Storage bag
1 x
Full 2-Point, Waterproof Body Harness
Adjustable Cows Tail Inc Small Twist Lock Karabiners and Large Superlight Scaffold Karabiner2 x TORE/12 12mm Dia Re-Usable Ladder Tie bolt2 x
TORT/6 6Mtr Ladder Strap with Cam buckle & Karabiners
1 x
TORLY Hi Vis Ladder Yoke
10m x Static Kernmantle Rope Inc Aluminium Scaffold KarabinerStorage bag

This Leaning Ladder Kit is ideal for use in a variety of working at-height applications, including:

  • Telecoms (a standard for BT Openreach)
  • Electrical work
  • Building maintenance
  • Tree surgery
  • Roofing and cladding

With the right training from certified providers, the kit is easy to use and can be set up in a matter of minutes. It is also very safe, with a maximum weight limit of 136kg (21st 5lbs).

If you are looking for a safe and secure way to work at height from a ladder or pole, this Tetra Leaning Ladder & Pole Kit is the industry standard go-to solution.

For more information, pricing or help and advice, call our experts at 02920 759 683 or click above to enquire about this product. Alternatively, please visit our contact page.


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Product: Tetra Telecoms Standard Leaning Ladder & Pole Kit