Quality Policy Statement

Quality Policy Statement
Ref: IMS007Q – Issue No: 8 – Date: 11th June 2024 – Reviewed By: Claire Duery.

The basic orientation of Rockall Safety is to be recognised for quality in supply, calibration and repair of a range of safety products, work at height and confined space equipment.

The senior management team shall establish, implement and maintain the quality policy through:-

  • Consideration of context of the organisation and aligning the Integrated Management System with the strategic direction of Rockall Safety
  • Satisfying customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements
  • Management of organisation, along with employee-established quality objectives and defined responsibilities for their fulfilment
  • Establishing, applying, maintaining and continual improvement of effectiveness of Integrated Management System
  • Continual enhancement of customers’ satisfaction
  • Tracking and applying new technologies and educating employees
  • Careful selection of suppliers
  • Commitment to increase quality of product/service in order to exceed customers’ expectations
  • Making continuous improvement a part of every day and every job
  • Ensuring that our Policy and Procedure Manuals reflect what we actually do
  • Understanding how our jobs fit into the overall flow of work at Rockall Safety
  • Continuously upgrading the Integrated Management System in all stages ranging from order receipt, production, shipment to activities after shipment.
  • Objectives and targets that will support and enhance service delivery to our customers.
  • Maintaining documented information as objective evidence to demonstrate compliance with the IMS.
  • Ensuring that all employees are appropriately trained and are competent to carry out their assigned tasks.

The framework for setting quality objectives is defined in the Quality Manual.

The Director is responsible for communicating the Quality Policy to all persons working for or on behalf of the organisation and making it available to the public.