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What is NDIR Technology and How Does it Work in CO2

What is NDIR Technology and How Does it Work in CO2

What is NDIR Technology and How Does it Work in CO2 Monitors?

NDIR, or Non-Dispersive Infrared technology, has revolutionised the way we measure carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations in various environments. This innovative sensing method has become the gold standard for CO2 monitoring due to its accuracy, reliability, and longevity.

How NDIR Sensors Work in CO2 Monitors

The core components of an NDIR sensor include:

  • An infrared light source
  • A sample chamber
  • An optical filter
  • An infrared detector

At its core, NDIR technology relies on the unique ability of CO2 molecules to absorb infrared light at specific wavelengths. The process is elegantly simple yet highly effective. An infrared light source emits a beam through a chamber containing the air sample. As CO2 molecules in the chamber absorb some of this light, a detector on the opposite end measures the remaining light intensity.

The key principle is that the amount of light absorbed is directly proportional to the CO2 concentration in the air sample. More CO2 present means more light absorbed, resulting in less light reaching the detector. This relationship allows for precise measurements of CO2 levels.

Advantages of NDIR in CO2 Monitors

NDIR sensors offer several advantages that make them ideal for CO2 monitoring:

  • Accuracy: NDIR technology provides highly accurate readings, typically within ±30 ppm or ±3% of the measured value.
  • Stability: These sensors maintain their accuracy over extended periods, often lasting 15 years or more with proper maintenance.
  • Selectivity: NDIR sensors are specifically tuned to detect CO2, minimising interference from other gases.
  • Low Power Consumption: Modern NDIR sensors, like the Senseair Sunrise, boast ultra-low power consumption, making them suitable for portable and battery-operated devices.

NDIR Technology in Action: The Blackline G7 CO2 Monitor

The Blackline G7 CO2 monitor exemplifies the practical application of NDIR technology in gas detection. This device utilizes a G7 Combustible-infrared (LEL-IR) NDIR sensor to measure combustible gases in the range of 0–100% LEL (Lower Explosive Limit) with a resolution of 1% LEL8.

The G7’s NDIR sensor operates on the same principles described earlier, but it’s specifically calibrated to detect combustible gases. By using infrared light absorption, it can accurately measure the concentration of these gases without being affected by other atmospheric components.

NDIR in the Honeywell Ultra

The Honeywell Ultra series also incorporates NDIR technology for precise gas detection. These monitors are designed for industrial applications where reliable and accurate gas measurements are critical for safety.

In the Honeywell Ultra, the NDIR sensor provides continuous, real-time monitoring of gas concentrations. The device’s robust design ensures it can withstand harsh industrial environments while maintaining accuracy and reliability.

The Future of NDIR Technology

As NDIR technology continues to evolve, we’re seeing improvements in sensor miniaturisation, power efficiency, and integration with smart systems. The Sense air Sunrise sensor, for example, represents a new generation of NDIR sensors with its solid-state design and ultra-low power consumption.

These advancements are making NDIR-based CO2 monitors more accessible and versatile than ever before. From smart home devices to industrial safety equipment, NDIR technology is playing an increasingly important role in monitoring and maintaining air quality across various sectors.

In conclusion, NDIR technology has become an indispensable tool in the field of gas detection and air quality monitoring. Its accuracy, reliability, and adaptability make it the preferred choice for CO2 measurements in both consumer and industrial applications. As we continue to prioritize indoor air quality and workplace safety, NDIR-based monitors will undoubtedly play a crucial role in creating healthier and safer environments for all.

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